
Available channels

Currently we support Live Chat and Telegram. More channels like Facebook Messenger, Google Business Messaging to follow.

How to set up Live chat

Go to Channels, press Add channel and select Live Chat. Fill in a title and introduction and you’re ready to go. Title and text are shown at the opening screen when a customer starts a live chat conversation.

How to set up Telegram

To set up a new Telegram account, first follow the steps below to create a Telegram bot:

  • Step 1: Go to the Botfather in Telegram, this is a Telegram channel to create a new Bot account. Please do this step on your mobile while having the Telegram app installed.
  • Step 2: Create a new bot with /newbot.
  • Step 3: Create a name for the bot. E.g. the name of your company.
  • Step 4: Create a username for the bot. The username should be available and should end with “bot” Like “Table Duck bot”. Spaces in between words are not allowed. Use a “_” instead. Try and see if the name of your company is still available.
  • Step 5: Congratulations, you have now created a Telegram bot, copy the HTTP API access token.
  • Step 6:  Go to your Table Duck account, go to Channels, press Add channel and select Telegram. Here you can paste the HTTP API access token.

Adding channels to your website

When you’ve created a channel, you can see the link to that channel in the channel overview page. This link can then be added to your support pages.